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Explain again, looking at Cao to hold:"The lord is male, you say ah, meet a person like this, how do you do?"The Cao held to want and think and lifts up head to ask me 1:"Does he have the influence on our Ba industries?"I wanted to think:"He doesn't give other people plan plan, never militarily plan plan, should have no.But cautiously want, can also say, because he see not to get common people to bear suffering, can head quarter say some agriculture policies, the type of water conservancy policy the rich country makes a country strong of the affair let other people listen to."
The Cao held a Nao head:"Person like this, very strange.However, he is since a free person, should not strive for to dedicate a plan, which afraid is the matter of domestic affairs."The Xun You also nods:"The military administration, military administration, military and domestic affairs are inseparables.He is really doing like this, is also our enemy."Since isn't my senior, that can literally say.So, Guo Jia is also noding:"Is quite good, oppose a person beneficial, is disadvantageous to oneself, don't say that he wants to give decision, is not, person like this, also stay not get."Is almost all people to all express consent his words.
The Cao held to hope me:"Son cloud, you know him and relate to not bad, just pull not to come over, BE?"I shake head, the understand Cao holds of meaning:"Calculate, lord Mr., you all didn't and the person like this once beat to hand over a way, I say these, don't suit too much as well actual.Lord Mr. also please trust, in this world temporarily didn't°yet person like this, I just listen to the senior once say so story, this person is in the story.Thus, wait later lord equity to bring peace to country, I let senior to say this story for you, good?"
The Cao holds to breath a sigh of relief and knows that I can't fool him in this aspect:"Be just a story, that did so much.The Hey Hey really has to have a person like this, he wants to fall in the my hand, I kept under house arrest his lifetime, don't kill him as well.Person like this, kill Be getting more regrettable."I am in mind to sigh,google, indeed as expected such, you didn't imprison elder brother Yu, alas.
Is huge to looking at Cao to hold generally, as if deep in thought wanted to think also, sigh a spirit:"Person like this, lord Mr. can really stay live?He is that the skill in martial arts is superb ah, in case of behavior use, necessarily is a big enemy."The Cao held to smile:"The house arrest doesn't become, imprisonned him like, as long as doing not put him, he not not was the ability used by others?The skill in martial arts is high strong, but doesn't kill one person, person like this, kill don't against nature's law, holding can not do this kind of to have no the matter of righteousness."
Is huge to govern some depressedly hope me:"Son cloud, this in this world which have a person like this, whole materials, impossible.Certainly, you were already an exception.Just because of this, you that the mind for retiring is just funny."I hope once he smile and understand his meaning:"Private's dollar, I come to ask you, has what being meant by the Shu been already majored in?"Was huge to want to think generally:"The Shu has been already majored in and points ordinary people but speech and uses on you and be unsuited to proper.Dollar keeps an elder brother to say, your skill is much more than our, involve of the noodles is much also wide."
I looking at Guo Jia and Xun You to smile, knew that they by all means consumedly encouraged me in Xu Shu's in front many:"Does your true facts believe these?Say honest words, face a machine changes, I not equal to text and elder brother;Fish for a first timing I not equal to three elder brothers;Program strategy, I ain't equal to you;The military administration moderates, I not equal to four elder brothers and text if;Deeply strive for forethought, I not equal to Mr. reach;Control overall situation, the town takes everywhere, no man is within the reach of a lord Mr..As for face to lead troops, show off bravery good Dou, I then not equal to two elder brothers, five elder brothers and six elder brothers;The loyal protects a lord, don't account personal peace or chaos, I notter equal to eldest brother.The farmland irrigation of rest, the tax endows with food grass, the rule of law resists bottom, poem phrase article, ancestral temple ancient works etc., I not as much as adults, such as hair, Cui and clock...etc. also, connect the mental state of surmising the person, my not equal to Liu Ye."
I am this some kind of words, clear in is modest oneself, dark inside but is to remind them, especially huge all, the persons all have their they a set of skill of, especially is minister, never override oneself and other people on.But does the Cao hold you?Use a person to use long avoid short, in case knock down, arouse disaffection.They all obviously understood my meaning, the momentary was an all lackadaisical facial expression.
Lightly say for the third water of their Qi, I smiling:"This was the third water, everyone used, accept.Small bird, I see you pretty like this tea of, you who leave take to go to like, include this water.To, I prepare the day after tomorrow walk, you temporarily live in me is here well."
Dian Wei 1:"Son cloud, so favour?Stay several more days, led year to walk again."I the apology ground smile:"This year didn't go, I rushed into New Year's Day in the country villa, there already say many times.Let ,down waited later son cloud to come back, keep the elder brothers company every day, good?"A few elder brothers all lightly sigh a spirit, don't talk.The Cao held to return to absolute being to come:"Do you go to you that without the sorrow country villa?"
I order, didn't return to for several years, the Yuan house finished wanting, I must return to once, some affairs should give farm land deeply bottom:"BE.The lord is male, the Yuan house at most still had 34 years and then finished, Liao west of the affair want to solve, get ready in advance.To, the lord is male to prepare some ordination books for me, Mr. Tian and Zhang Yan there wanted to give first honor and duties of good."Still have to slowly win and Pan Zhang, old put not is return to matter.
The Cao holds to doubt not of and order:"The tomorrow receives a filial piety to come to my your home to take, how many do you want?"I moved finger to calculate calculate:"Mr. Tian is greatly just, you seal a Hou also not Kui;Zhang Yan must give a general Hou Ye, wait Yuan Shao one dead, he tees off a Cao word ensign.As for otherly being partial to will etc., also want 56, there are very good 23ses of, seal to be partial to the type of general, feather general or station Hou of is not high either."Xu Sheng 2 must give a station Hou, otherwise, Kui they.
The Cao holds 1, wanted to think:"Thus, that farm land you have already said, I seal his Liao west district magistrate, Liu Cheng Ting Hou;Zhang Yan is there, even north general and Anne country station Hou;You take again blank of go, contents you fill."I am an exultation, Hey Hey, I literally fill, that slowly won to do with Pan Zhang's Hou well.Other people all doesn't matter, the huge all eye pupil sons all flicked come open to and directly stretched hand to come over:"Being small is like son, give me huge marquis, what state the type of herding of, place all doesn't matter."
Serious affair drive once he stir to match, everyone smiled and connected Cao to hold all happy.I Pa ground slap, drop huge all successful dozen:"You think of the United States.The affair hasn't done, think enjoy Gao Wei, have no a door.Again say, lord Mr. is here, you seek me dry?"Is huge to govern to consumedly sigh:"Lord Mr. at most gives me station Hou, you are different.The clerk of blank thinks how to fill, how fill, I am your elder brother, you literally fill 1, let me looking at happy good."
I stretch hand to hold to the Cao:"The lord is male, you give his an absolute blank clerk, literally how does he fill.After waiting, this guy makes the time of matter, does to lend with this, kill his head also not for lead."Is huge to slip away a part to go to generally:"How cruel of heart."We roar with laughter.

Chapter 136 grape wine

Unification north ground the article-chapter 136 grape wine
Tea already the article is over, I from tidy up tea vessel, huge don't depend on naturally generally, certainly want to learn how to boil to make tea and drinks, I funnily looking at him:"Learning can, can not waste this water.Wait I to walk, these all stay to slowly have fun for you.You have to drink this remnants tea today, moreover take water good."He indeed as expected doesn't give up and really carry the tea vessel to the other case several up, took another water to learn my appearance to boil blunt tea.We looking at him to smile, is also, this guy still makes to smile of age.After drinking 2 times, he came over:"There is indeed as expected no flavor, not drink."I roared with laughter and directed him to begin and poured the remnants tea into the plum flower tree to descend.
Wait I to tidy up finish the whole, descended a person to also start dishes to go with wine, I just notice, all have already ascended on all sides light, the color of the sky is tiny to be getting blacker.Is huge to see wine jar generally, see me again, don't talk as well, so and anxiously hope me, ask for we keep smiling.Was sweet to rather also understand, this lately- joined younger brother was that make to smile guy, and affirm good wine, so, make fun him:"This seven younger brothers, you opened wine ah, need not pipe cloud of. Related articles:

