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 The Ms. Fan Fu and letter in chapter 97 mountain
The north together wants to come in spring of slightly late some, however want finally come of.From north together on capital city of national capital to outside walk not much and far, once rounded the western mountain of that desolate topaz sort, walk toward north again several hours, then arrived at a green You mountain territory in.This mountain not equal to He Gao Da Dun, but Gao Shu Di's cluster of top of hill is closely, seem to be particularly originality calmness, a built-up or thin or deep of the green mix up with, very beautiful.
Like sword Lu look like in the in the world sword heart, this green mountain is in the north together son people or Be gone to the bitterness of world to fix eye in, is also one to allow of no invasion, Gao Gao is in the last saint.Because this unknown green mountain, would be north together sky a way door place, the sitting of the country teacher bitterness lotus fixs of.
Go toward to walk in nice and secluded valley from the rugged hill path, ambiguously it is thus clear that ten thousand loose gather together it.
Ten thousand stubs are loose, loose needle shape, the circle of the tree the Kuo is each dissimilarity, have of loose the needle is light and soft, be like a hair sort to hang to float, some loose needles are like fire, strong and tough sting sky, have of loose the needle is like a thin circle of an of tube son, particularly interesting.Is a morning at this time, the morning dew spreads all over a plant in mountain, majority of dews slightly smooth loose needle after, then slide in, only those pine trees that own to intensively loosen needle would store the radiant dews of the Wa of next Was in own branches and leaves.Is anti- to show off dawn.As the precious stone is clear.
See an eye to follow these dew shimmers to hope toward Shan-li.Then can see a way of sky buildings in the door, these buildings reported to accept big Wei, north together one vein traditional esthetics style.Take green black two colorses as lords, black lord desolate, blue become intimate with nature.Hun however sign in sky.The Wei is certainly hidden to pure beautiful inside.
Sky a way although the door is different from east the Yi city sword Lu that sort accept disciple, bitterness lotus master at this pure fix.Ask for naturally numerous pilgrims come to worship, ten stop over on stopping, even if the country teacher accepts Tu again little.But always need to accept Tu such as the adulthood disciple like the wolf peach, come down for several decades, the way door middleman counts gradually many, arrive have already had to regularly practice moral teachings study in the green mountain over 100 people at present.
In the heart of these pupils.Certainly hope mountain in pure fix for several years, go out Kuang a life time of benefit dynasty, positive such as that pretty woman in their heart is similar.
In those early years north together saint female begonia is in this mountain, these Panasonic.Is pure to fix not to know how many years.Begonia the mountain is previous.Would be in the outer circle a farmland circle of those plain black buildings to grow vegetables.Grow a vegetables in addition to oneself green day consume, all sent to a schools inside.Keep up to now a day, also have a lot of pupils with once ate begonia and personally grow vegetables for glory.
In this the middle of the year.Big parts of time of begonia are farawaily celebrating country Chiang-Nan.And that with it together little adult Fan is together foolish, this fact, let north together the public living Fen not, is particularly a green mountain in these days of a students, in addition to envy and cut up rough these negative emotion.Upset these students most BE.Can hardly see inside in the farmland circle any further that wear to spend dress miss, former exergue inside, as long as see the figure of that miss.The public heart will settle down.
But leave to have no how long in the begonia, then there was again a missed house to live into that and became some medicines materials that can grow: vegetarian dish in the farmland circle at the same time.
This of the identity isn't very general, she is a bitterness lotus Zu the teacher is lately- accepted to close the door pupil.Replaced begonia small teacher miss position, she lived into a begonia circle son, accepted to like a begonia rapeseed ……she she she, she is Fan Jian's younger sister's son.
It are matchless shocked to is pure the pupils fixing in the mountain.They ignore to solve an ancestors why will far leave for south to celebrate to accept again female Tu, more ignore solve why it happened that want to accept younger sister Fan Jian to be disciple, who is Fan Jian ?That is the south to celebrate the young powerful ministers of being second to none.
However the affair have already taken place.The pupils in mountain don't have way change what, have to learn to accept, use very long time, just become accustomed to wife and children Fan's elder sister's existence.
The south celebrates north together is night enemy, although it is said have been being placed in an unprecedented amity relation for these two years in.But root at the emotion of the people's heart deep place but is very difficult cancellation, so Fan if if in the green mountain first day lead not how agreeable idea, regardless walk to where, greet her all is the vision for regarding with hostility and back discuss whisper.
Like inattentive at this root these.Add it oneself temperament apathy, where will notice the another person's attitude.Such few months past, a pupils in the sky just discover, originally this small teacher Gu is unexpectedly more even cheerless than oneself's these people's attitudes, unavoidably feel a bit boring.
In fact Fan if if to oneself is in the north together of the study career is very satisfied, the smiling face on her face compares in Kyoto already many Be getting tooer many, Be just north together the person don't understand this, after all they don't know this wife and children elder sister of Fan to celebrate the nickname that there is early iceberg gifted woman in Kyoto in the south in those early years.
If Fan if the happiness comes from easy environment and nervous life, bitterness lotus country the teacher just taught her some primers a heart method in the sky and presented a few Confucian classicses, how then don't take care of her, she rest of time all follow behind two seniors study medical skill, this is together exactly also one of the purpose that she far leaves for north, in normal times inside make a diagnosis and give treatment with the medical skill of oneself's acquisition below the hills poor common people, day lead of substantial.
This two senior Xing Mu Ming Peng.The names that the bitterness lotus takes for his/her own these Tu sons are all very interesting, the wolf peach, begonia, wood Peng, white three, is all some names of plants, person such as it, wolf peach such as the felling on the typeface similar, all over be full of murderous look and sharp angle, begonia then gentleness strong sign Sa of rains and winds in.
The wood Peng is a Chinese herbal medicine, be imaginable if if this year leads 42 seniors to excel most what.
If Fan if ten blades, loosen a hospital the leaf last dew answered down beside, tiny be partial to a head to pour water into a drop of water bottle, a bit curious, why does the medicine want to use dew in square?
She embraces a bottle son hospital door, along the stone stairs goes to go to the top of hill and prepares to carry on to study everyday.All the way it is thus clear that is some young sky of pupil, these pupils see embrace the miss of bottle.In succession the side signs aside and salutes to ask Anne.
On the other hand because she is in no circumstances to speak to is all se people of small teacher Gu.Come down for second, a few months.A pupils in the sky know although this Fan's Ms. Fu's temperament is cheerless,the heart is really kind.Don't decorate false.Compare a south that face reading gentle and soft heart evil Fan Jian be good friends with too many.It is particularly these Fan's Ms. Fu's few months continuously.Spare no efforts the mountain see a doctor for common people.More letting these younger generation pupils deeply respect it is virtuous.
If Fan if is tiny to nod gift is once.There isn't any facial expression on the face.
When she climbs ascend long long stone stairs.Stand at summit of hill up, stopped a step, hoped below the hills the Yu Yu spring onion spring onion view wood.Suddenly stretched lazy waist.Of shouted loudly 1.Float two regiments to exercise on the face son red and dizzy behind.Is some excitement.
She since childhood inborn malnutrition.Although was adjusted by the elder brother to manage a period of time, but also had no basic sex amendment.The seasonal changes in Kyoto.On the face always pale color is lord.Presenting health on the face that sees her today is red and dizzy, can want to see to together stay for more than a years in the north.The her body is also much better.
Physical endowment from heart.Is main or the mood easily relate to.
"Need not participate in a boring poem meeting, need not accompany those womens to say gossip to each princes and dukes your home, and need not hide to see a man after screen like those sisters.Need not do needlework every day ……"
If Fan if the Zheng Zheng hopes the mountain in stone stairs and present on the face one silk happy smiling face, "like this living is that I want.Thank you.Elder brother."
In the mountain in addition to a heart method in the sky in addition to practice moral teachings, also expound the teachings book justice, it was in persona Chuang Mo to basically use everyone to revise lectures in person in those early years.If Fan if ended practicing moral teachings of a hour.Arrived at two senior wood Peng living quarterses in.It is polite to salute, then choose a few difficulty problems on the medical skill to tell.Please point out.
The wood Peng slightly said a several.Suddenly see pleased expression of Anne in eyes in the miss house, the smile says:"Did little adult Fan send a letter here again?"
If Fan if smiled to order to nod.Say:"Although haven't come yet.However count a day, should arrive."
The wood Peng grasped to grasp disorderly hair of some Pengs.Say with a smile:"It is thus happy, think necessarily that your brother and sister's feelings is best.Since it is so.Why not celebrate in the south foolish?Little younger sister Shi.North together although good, after all is a foreign country."
Although wood Peng affirmation and not and up inspect inside in the hospital, that old poison.But in spite of practise medicine or use a poisonous somebody.Seem the hairs are all some in disorder.The daily life is some to mix, dress up this kind of affair nature is attention don't arrive.
If Fan if smile in response to the way:"Where doesn't matter.Elder brother once says, the person lived one a life time and always needed the target that wants for oneself to do a some sacrifice."
The wood Peng is surprised to ask a way:"Oh?Your target of that younger sister Shi BE?"
"Save a person."Fan if if is quiet in response to the way.
" So simple?"
"H'm ……" wood Peng says after pondering a short moment:"Cure parents' heart.But at the beginning before you come to north together, just at south toward auditing a period of time in the hospital too much, why will be like this big wish heart?"
"Senior.Not is wish heart reason.But is oneself to want what."Fan if if don't add a deliberation.Ping-ho says:"Elder brother once said a words, person of from cradle to the grave how should spend?Is initial to would be and make oneself's mood happy ……the cure save a person to make me happy, so I choose like this."
Person from cradle to the grave how should spend?The wood Peng is tiny to knit the brows.Sighed 1, have no again talk, in the mind but is just thinking, that can let begonia younger sister Shi square inch unexpectedly disorderly Fan Jia's boy isactually how person?
******The color of the sky don't near Mu, if Fan if embrace the drop water bottle getting empty to stand down stone stairs.Returned to oneself small hospital in, deal with a circle with quiet attention Chinese herbal medicine.Then she walks to return to silent house in.Start preparing a paper pen, in the house display to have no the slightest variety, because she clear, here after all is a begonia miss of old reside, to the north together the person come to say and have different meaning.
A letter calmness puts on the table, if Fan if once the flash across in eye put on a pleased color and quickly open letter paper, small and soft watch that paper up acquaint with small and soft record of writing, in the process of readinging the letter, but her facial expression be not doing stop to change Huan, but strain, but joy, but ……light sorrow.
The letter is Fan Jian to send to come over, he sent to a younger sister with a lot of physical strengths north together bottom in a door in the sky, 2 brother and sister are very and far separated, the mutual communication information is very inconvenient, respectively in respectively the place remember fondly.So at if if after settling down, Fan Jian then restarted a monthly house book right away.
Childhood, if if is very small and then return to Kyoto from the Dan state.Ever since that time if if willing learn characters will after writing, Fan Jian then starts corresponding by letter with her.With borrow to celebrate country flourishing mail road, the letter of 2 brother and sister stops neither by wind or rains friendly intercourse between Kyoto and Dan state.Monthly 1.Never interrupted, until celebrate Li for four years, the Fan Jian Zhen person went into Kyoto.
Didn't know to write how many years to believe.
These don't know to contain 2 brother and sister how much cordiality in letter.
Say boudoir in the letter.Speak its matter, say two scenery persons with each other.Is short in parent pettiness.It is numerous.There are more than one.But is exactly pass these letters.Fan Jian became younger sister's one of the teacher in the spirit, if Fan if was worn by the contents good influence in these letters since childhood, the woman of mood attitude and this in this world great majority ……not.It is with the persons of this in this world great majority all a little bit different.
She still keeps showing filial obedience parents and loves deeply brothers and gets along with the sister in the Gui Ge best, but her heart in but have many different squares, opposite independent character and is that so is inharmonious with this world to the dream of freedom.Be partial to living her but again not to escape from this world life.
Is positive because this kind of is self-contradict, let her in Kyoto.Become 1 from hold a gift, the inhospitality refuses person iceberg miss.Only have afterwards in Fan Jian's in front.She just dares to reveal sincerely.So far leave for foreign country.Hard up life.This kind of at nobility young lady's eyes in abnormality terrible life.But make her sweet of if Yi.It is very happy.
The hair of all these carries, is a letter, Fan Jian and she of the letter of .
If Fan if lookinging at letter paper is stunned,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.For a long time light sighed an one breath after.The eye socket inside is a bit moist.Kyoto those up of fight to leave her still very far away.She also believes the ability between father and elder brother, so she inattentive letter up write those dangerous.Just Fan Jian mentioned Hong in the letter this time.
The Hong becomes ……
If Fan if the drop of tear that sponges out a canthus present a , that moderate son of a feudal lord shape in the brain.Is he going to the west fought with non-Han nationalities, will get hurt?Will come back?
Jing Wang Fu and Fan Fus is families closely relateds, if Fan if is also became to together grow up with Li Hong since childhood.She knows the other party although the heart contains high ambition,come up to say from the man's natural character is one the most rare good person, throw don't say on romantic anecdotes of those flower fangs.It is also an infatuated one to oneself.This time Hong becomes from pleased a city, on the other hand wanted to escape from an emperor son in Kyoto to contend for Ya, can she clear, this did it ever be not after oneself harmed him, he is a kind of self-imposed exile.
But Fan if if be can not accept Hong to become, BE, she that was smoked by Fan Jian to once dye lovely heart, still wanted than Fan Jian's oneself now ……can not accept this attitude concerning men and women is in the world.
This isn't a very absurd very interesting occupy?
Certainly, even if there is no the romantic debt of those flower fangs.Even if the Hong becomes is a perfect in every way person, if Fan if still can not accept oneself whole life and that man are together living.
It is telling in the letter in those early years that a certain story is similar such as Fan Jian.
All of those are very very good, but ……I am to don't like.
"What story does he write again to stir you to cry?"The house doorway spreads together lazy ocean ocean, pure satisfied voice, " your that elder brother, really very damned in some aspects."
If Fan if a surprised, the title sees the begonia miss being dressed in thin flower dress of whole body to stand on the doorway, hurriedly standing and saying:"Is elder sister Shi to send letter, I still think to is the person whom adult king sends."
The begonia hands Chuai trailed a son to walk to come in in the clothes and said:"Wang Qi Nian didn't come back, didn't Fan Jian say?Now ascend inside in the capital city is more Deng Zi, you shoulded once see."
If Fan if ordered to nod.
The begonia smile says:"I really curious about this letter contents, you who incredibly let to be calm always cried."
If Fan if of the finger hold letter paper and lower the head to say:"Elder sister Shi doesn't want to laugh at me, elder brother ……still such as so bothersome before."
The begonia sighed tone to say:"This I am to deeply have been already realized."
If Fan if is tiny to be partial to a head, the doubt asks a way:"Elder sister Shi be not at up capital city, how return to mountain?"
The begonia returns to mountain, the of course not may be specialized to send letter for younger sister for Fan Jian.She hopes Fan if if the smile says:"The teacher receives the letter of two seniors, think you already can with mountain, let I to accompany you to go to up the capital city."
"Go to up the capital city?"Fan if is if difficult to say:"But still have a lot of things don't learn."
"Just someone wants to see you, so invite me to take you to 1."The begonia says:"You like to live in the mountain and come back again to would be when the time comes."
"Does not elder sister Shi also really like the life in the mountain?"Fan if if say with a smile:"This house I can have never dared to move and stay of, we live together when the time comes."
Listen to this words, but the begonia sank into silent in, the miss house very long sighed tone after, helpless say:"Would be to want to return, again where is a year and two years of affair."
If Fan if clear, begonia elder sister Shi always with elder brother secretly at do what affair, originally had Fan Jian to betwixt do bridge, she is always quite good with relation between the begonias, and talked also more literally, but often thoughted of far at celebrate the elder brother's wife of country Lin Wan Er ……Fan if if always kept with begonia distance intentionally, this probably woulded be caution of daughter's house to think.
She suddenly thoughts of in times before that words, curious ask a way:"Last inside in the capital city ……who want to see me?"
"His majesty."The lips Cape of begonia starts to float one silk smiling face and wish oneself, that his majesty idea as difficult as Fan Jian guess.
Leave a way of a sky place green mountain in the door not faraway of last capital city inside, that black vegetable hands over miscellaneous, the pure beautiful imperial palace of world the one and only beauty in, the host of the north of the world, north together country emperor his majesty the positive Tan sit on the short Ta on, that wear cloth sock, deeply wear hot air, but the body is slanting in the bosom that a temple packs a beautiful person.
This age not old emperor the alas voice sigh to ask an after death beautiful person:"Manage a reason, I hasn't been thinking it's understand ……you say last summer, what did we actually do?"
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