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Chapter 724 bombs to kill to split breeze
Thoughted of this at this time, the crack breeze of celestial spirits state talked to the summer and deliver more curious.When he hasn't been gobbled up by the mentally dense storm, he is used successful Ye of a kind of magical power Mi method by the summer speech to live body.This kind of magical power Mi method, can in advance have no omen circumstance under, in a twinkling weigh own body 100000%.With his experience of self-discipline more than 10,000 years, all have never heard this kind of magical power.
However, in the lord world magical power Mi method numerous, there are some special magical powers basically doing not behave to know.Have some evolution magical power, can not settle class at all as well.He although self-discipline more than a years, but and those are big to compare, he is basically still a young man that just started self-discipline.He has never heard of magical power, nature also much get BE.However, these special magical powers are all generally those violent great ability quietly leave, there is no public at a life time, the magical power like this is each can be treated as priceless treasure.
At the beginning is exactly also this reason, he just the heel talk after death in summer and want to clear up the magical power that the summer talks to exactly is what.If can't be being placed in district in the center of mentally dense storm, either otherwise, under the sistuation that haven't responded to come over, the mentally dense storm being burst upon gobble up.
The summer of"this ……" talks a look in the eyes 1 to become a bit unable to decide.
If normal circumstance, himself is only an eight classes working properly emperor's state be gobbled up to this mentally dense storm inside, afraiding of a short moment will change into nihilist.But now the crack breeze of open celestial spirits state, can not resist the corrosion of mentally dense dust, oneself but ability at here basic and safe and sound, really can not not make people interrogative.
"In fact my body strength, swallow to take an original pit of a great deal of life, so is several a hundredfolds of common self-discipline, so just can resist the corrosion of these dusts.However I am also decayed by these mentally dense dusts, just more slow-moving, the in a short time cans not see clearly"the summer talked to lenitively smile to smile as far as possible and said.
His body strength, really more arrogant than common self-discipline few a hundredfolds.
"No wonder that, your body, unexpectedly the ability is terrible the mentally dense dust here in be not decayed" crack breeze bit to grind teeth and delivered to seem to be gloomy more on the face, his head, all start gradually being decayed.
The summer at this time talks, hopes this crack breeze quickly changes into nihilist.Split breeze at this time in the mentally dense storm although the very difficult direct shot kills himself/herself, but oneself want to be not killed by the shot, have to urge to work properly the attack that the dint resists the other party with all strength.Inside the body of work properly dint to urge to release to go out, that own body, the speed being decayed will consumedly speed.If drive in a row for many times attackstone later on, own perhaps of the arms and legs can not also keep intact.
The summer of"procrastinate time" talks a dark way in heart, the look in the eyes flicker looking at to split breeze, and the heart reads an electricity to turn.
"The one who split breeze self-discipline, you say this mentally dense dust, exactly is how to form?"The summer speech freely asks a way, he is transfering the attention of splitting the breeze at this time.
As long as delaying any more to postpone for ten several breath time, crack breeze the body will be more decrepit, the real strenght will also greatly give discount when the time comes, the strength is more and more small and weak, and he wants to kill himself/herself, is getting more more difficult.
"Hum, this mentally dense space the evil boundary is born from the Lang of time have been already existed, do I how could know how it is produced?I however self-discipline ten thousand years"the crack breeze Be cold to hum 1, say, "is damned, is really unlucky I unexpectedly and directly crash into mentally dense storm, damn of, the outer circle of mentally dense space, 100 years also not definitely appear a mentally dense storm, I can bump"
"Is damned …… damned ……" crack breeze regrets mingled with self-reproach.Early know, directly kill these little bastards, then quickly leave, taking will meet this terrible of mentally dense storm.
"The one who split breeze self-discipline, since we have already been gobbled up to come in, you even if is angry again, also useless.Rather, we still keep wanting bottom how escape to go out"the summer speech comforts to say, " I to, this mentally dense space must have what way go out.Can enter to get, the certain must go"
This empress is a words, pour is a summer to talk heart in think.See in the speech in summer, affirmation is to have a way to go out inside the quick storm from this mentally dense.
The "hum, don't dream" crack breeze angrily stares a summer to talk, the body uploads to pass since then of pain-suffering, make its spirit, all every moment suffer huge molestation.
"Inside this mentally dense storm, basically the ability of no one is on the hoof to go out to damn, these mentally dense dust that damn, absolutely penetrate everywhere.H'm?My hand"split breeze to see his/her own finger suddenly, all starts changing into nihilist.Ten original fingers unexpectedly have already disappeared 2.Hand noodles and center of palm is suddenly also a pit of emergence.Those mentally dense dust grain, adhere to on his skin, still at continuous thorough decay.
"……" Crack breeze sees the finger that oneself disappears and again grasp wildly, eyeball suddenly and violently the Zheng write to stare to talk to the summer.The summer talks at the moment of body, opposite his body to say, that almost can be said to be intact to have no Sun.
Under the circumstance for flying into a rage, "mix Zhang, you all unexpectedly have no matter good …… I understood, you are intentionally procrastinating time, want to let I don't begin a bastard to you, unexpectedly calculate I die"'s this crack breeze unexpectedly want to understand the intention that the summer talks and immediately urge to start the male Hun in the body to work properly dint, roar and shout and is a Zhang to clap.
"I want to kill you" splits breeze to bellow a , directly connect own body, the all direct facing summer speech hurtled to come over.
The summer of"the electricity dies he" talks a look in the eyes one Ning see, together give or get an electric shock Hu to appear is splitting breeze, immediately make a noise to yell a way.
However, not this crack breeze Kui is the self-discipline of celestial spirits state, even if is responding to is the all the quickest by this time, that electricity the Hu arrived him nearby, sees tiny tiny 1 of his body twinkle and unexpectedly and successfully avoid to open and continue such as the wild dog generally clamor to brutishly make a pounce upon a summer to talk.
That Zhang breeze takes to count the attack dint of 1,000,000,000 degrees and roars and shouts but goes to, the summer talks to certainly hurriedly urge to work properly dint to carry on resisting.Work properly dint to release but, those mentally dense dust, again take advantage of an opportunity the body that the summer of acceleration corrosion talks.All over the body violent pain-suffering, lets the summer talk not from fierce take a suck at spirit, bite at a tooth.
By this time of crack breeze, have been thoroughly crary, a Zhang Zhang arises energy to continuously bomb to kill to pass by to the speech in summer.
"These mentally dense dusts to my corrosion, more and more serious"
The summer talks at this time although attend to not and up look into own body condition, can be that the ability is clear to feel to get.
The summer of"is damned, come to a stop for me" talks at this time, also hasty
Split breeze, this bastard, simply want to pull oneself is a mat back, too hateful
"Ha ha ha, I die and also want to pull to ascend you" splits breeze ignore regardless of, laugh wildly not only, continue madness bomb to kill to the speech in summer.The mentally dense dust in gray, collide in the violent strength in, the slightest not rise great waves.2 people's strength Yi soon disappears after spreading at on all sides, compare at outside of time the energy Yi spreads to want quickly and get much.
The summer speech also knows that this because energy drive mentally dense dust to directly become unreal.
In the middle of resisting, the summer speech still wants to carefully avert from those small electricity long grasses that often burst upon.These electricity long grass, is all mentally dense thunderbolt, their energies can be much more terrible than the mentally dense dust, also violent get many.
But that crack breeze, the spirit is still extremely violent, by this time can precisely avert from to burst upon at nearby of the snake form electricity long grass.
"Is damned, quickly dying" summer speech see, own palm, unexpectedly also become cave convex gravamen.There are a lot of places, directly became nihilist.
The self-discipline that works properly emperor's state, the body is originally an energy foundry.
BE together giving or getting an electric shock a long grass by this time, unexpectedly drilled to go into the body that the summer talks.This electricity long grass is the eyes position that bursts upon to talk in summer.But at this time, summer's talking is urging to work properly dint to resist to split bombarding of breeze.This an electricity long grass, the summer talks unexpectedly is have never avoided pass by.Give or get an electric shock a long grass to taint with the summer talks of body, quickly spread to open.
Summer speech feels the body Be a burst of to become numb, the hand and foot is immediately all beyond control, the muscle, blood vessels and skeleton of whole body, seem to be all to start gradually be resolved.Connect to gather to work properly cave, all dreary for an instant next go.Whole body of skin, all directly became black.
"Your this bastard, I put out you"
Finally a moment, the summer speech bellows a , if isn't this to damn to split breeze have been being attackstoning to oneself, how is oneself probably together given or got an electric shock a long grass to shoot by that?The summer talks a pair of eyes ones red and red, also can not consider of at this time other, body right away will drive complete decay, change into one nihilist, from now on world again have no he.
"Die for me"
"Greatly gobble up Shu"
Arrived this a moment, summer's talking unexpectedly and directly would work properly Luo heart method to greatly gobble up a Shu operation to get up.
That originally any strength as to it's can not produce the gray mentally dense dust of function, unexpectedly the facing summer speech meets together to pass by a while.And talk opposite in summer of already the incomplete crack breeze was also got a fright by this situation,Cheap Beats By Dre.
At this time his body, although have been not complete.But he still knows that the in front took place what affair, talk that summer, became a gray shadow of human figure that the mentally dense dust meets together a while.But this shadow of human figure in, a way electricity Hu continuously of the Zhi Zhi make ring, the terror goes to a pole.That summer talks and unexpectedly still has no to completely change into nihilist.
"This ……" crack breeze didn't know to take place what affair, felt originally quiet mentally dense dust, unexpectedly violent flow to move a while.
"Rush toward~"
Immediately, it is together bulky to send forth to demolish all the mentally denses of the breathing of thunderbolt, would be abrupt from the gray shadow of human figure position however bombed out.Split breeze this time, basically can not in time avoid being seen again, the body is directly in the clout by the thunderbolt.
Just for an instant, the body of crack breeze, be bombed residue, even the residues didn't leave, several products that gleam black glory, in the sky and afloat get up.Totally is three products, defense absolute being machine, an attack absolute being machine, there is also a space ring.These are three are all very high quality absolute being machines, even if is a mentally dense thunderbolt, all is not likely to drop these three product corrosions a while.
When the summer speech disregards an operation to greatly gobble up Shu to split that the breeze bomb to kill behind, he is just abrupt however discover, oneself at this time although the body surface thunder only gleams, but the body surface thunder hasn't died, didn't split breeze with that similar change into nihilist.
Under the normal circumstance, the summer talks if gobbled up so many mentally dense dusts, should in a twinkling be decayed cleanly, don't basically and impossibly have an opportunity again to release to work properly dint to bomb to kill that crack breeze.But now, he not only successfully bombed to kill crack breeze, oneself unexpectedly hasn't changed into nihilist after splitting all complete dissipation of breezes.
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