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Engrave to only give it a gamble!"The vision of the beard Wei breeze lieutenant general in suddenly presented unprecedented ferocious, yes and since normal regulations weapon already difficult Wan Tui power, so only Be begged humbly to that decisive strength-nuclear crack to change.
Is positive such as at what the beard Wei breeze lieutenant general of Peking imagines so, virtuous Er in Joe's city at the moment embraces equally ferocious emergence's in front in the nuclear weapon database of India."Have we already done not anotherly choose?"Stand at this far than oneself young soldier of nearby and nominally control India president of this nation Bu Du Lei.Card's pulling at the moment Mu is clear madness for smelling a kind of.Be compared to "the father of India guided missile" of Bu Du Lei.The card pulled Doctor Mu to once start ambitious"the guided missile synthesized a development plan" in India as a "national defense research and development studied organization" representative director of India.But he compares any would not like to see these present at the map on of be named "the earth", "very hot fire", "long bow", "Apollo" guided missile roar a point from top in the blast-off the fire get off the ground, because he all knows that this means than anyones what kind of a kind of destruction.
"That's right!The power of nuclear weapon biggest machine is on the blast-off.This I think that I don't need you to come to remind me!I equally don't hope that we one day will press these buttons that mean judgment day in the world as well.But at the moment of we haven't anotherly chosen with India."Face India president with melancholy look, virtuous Er in Joe's city already as far as possible quiet orotund answer way.Actually as a soldier, virtuous Er in Joe's city still far didn't become a war bedlamite.But positive such as he by himself say of he has already had no choice, regardless is India or he already accumulate heavy difficult return, however have already implemented perverse policy.
"I need all strategic arms in India to be placed in one class war preparedness in next several days in, we have to make a showdown to China.I think that authorities in Peking should didn't°yet be silly to arrive to fight a territory ground that checks war with us for the sake of very small Bangladesh."This will be the matchless and perilous one step, but in virtuous Er in Joe's city's eyes probably everythings still have the leeway to return, after all to India, tomorrow mean existence or destruction, but only show leniency to China just.Northern China in"horizontallying afraid not is darned" spreads of byword, probably be also equally applicable to an international society!
But virtuous Er in Joe's city is obviously wrong, he is wrong at underrate a rising big country is facing decision for blackmailing pit, once making for the first time the concession so mean there is no end forever, China willing is as with swords unsheathed and bows drawn as the United States for the sake of a very small Bali, and then how can bends haven't developed a complete nuclear weapon database in India from that!The choice of virtuous Er in Joe's city finally pushes India to of isn't a glorious diagram to save of road, but the painful abyss of everlasting perdition.
"Include'Su inside friendship'?"India president Bu Du Lei.The card after pulling Mu to sink Ning for a long time spoke he finally of worried,cheap beats by dre."Su inside friendship" is in ancient myth system in India is create a world of the big absolute being Fan is 12 one of the celestial spiritseses multiplied greatly by sky, is taking charge of solar of spirit, and then be called the Pi old woman Sa old woman.However at the moment India president Bu Du Lei.The card pulls the Mu points of obviously isn't one unreal of spirit, but India have been being placed in a secret to develop status ballistic guided missile is under the new inter-continental.As for this pass India's weapon item in 21th century international position, India government starts developing this kind of new inter-continental ballistic guided missile in 1994, currently this plan already the secret develop for several years, but New Delhi has never opened to admit to be developing this kind of long range to kill to harm weapon to carry platform.
Is India limited pit awe the strength is important to constitute part, is developing of"Apollo" type inter-continental ballistic guided missile item in, India research organization the first-time success of make use of a low temperature motor technique at the military realm.
The rocket motor's position in rocket, like heart and cardiovascular system are in the position in the human body.Therefore the motor technique of carrier rocket can be treated as high aerospace technique in the most important constitute part.So-called rocket motor, means from the aircraft from take to push forward, don't depend on a blowing out gas of outside air motor.Rocket motor with other blow out gas a motor of different of order to lie in:The airplane waits other various that blow out gas a motors from take fuel, the oxygens needed by fuel combustion from acquire in the atmosphere.So being other to blow out gas a motor can use in the atmosphere, while the rocket motor can use in the atmosphere, and can use outside the atmosphere.
Pressing the thing Tai rocketing motor of pushing forwarding can is divided into the liquid rocket motor, solid rocket again motor and mixture rocket motor.The liquid rocket motor compares blunt Gao, working time long, can start for many times, push dint to regulate with direction and control in brief, but structure complications, pushing forward can not store over a long period of time and generally used for more various aerospace carrier rocket and load in an aerospace machine;Solid rocket motor compare blunt low, the working time is short, not ability many starts, push dint to regulate to control with direction more difficult, but the structure is simple, the work credibility, duty processing and operation convenience, suited for various for use by the military guided missile;Solid liquid mixture rocket motor although and have some advantages of solid and liquid rocket motor, the technique is up still not very mature.Currently, is most maturely still a liquid rocket motor in the technique, particularly with use the liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen of the motor function is the tallest, this kind of rocket is often to generally say of low temperature motor.
General liquid rocket motor from push dint room and push forward a supply system and motor to control system to constitute.The liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen motor usually useds to the top class motor by the characteristics of his/her function Gao.Motor at high empty environment under light a fire start, press the appointed procedure work a period of time after shut down to skid, then again light fire to carry on at Gao empty in of a little bit two fires.Though this kind of rocket motor theoretically has no too many profound places, but scans widely in the world to truely control the nation of this practical technique to also only have this 5 nations in the United States, Russia, France, Japan and China just currently.
Print a dimension research in 2003 the bureau keep on time to come to a 1000 in the work on the ground and exceeded the space flight needs of 721, this marks that India low temperature motor has already attained the request of space flight.The low temperature motor of India can shoot the satellite that 2.5 tons weigh to get to 36,000,000 meters high orbit up.Currently, India use Russia system motor blast-off Gao orbit satellite.Low temperature motor technique for ascend the rocket in month is also to pass importance, plan in India carries out the task of ascending the month by 2015.
But for the publicity back of this impressive-looking in India conceal of guided missile crisis, each military of world big country actually already hole if view fire, the India military authority demand carries on carrier rocket some reformations on the technique, counteract and check a combat department and replace satellite, become the inter-continental that projects and dies toward the world-wide locations ballistic guided missile for the complete having material form.Russia once promised to provide to India low temperature motor technique in 1992, but along with Russia and the United States after signing 《guided missile technique control system 》 agreement proceeded from the United States be worried that India uses the technique manufacturing pit guided missile, therefore Russia refuses to provide the technique to India again, change to toward India sell have already made a good rocket motor.
So at"Apollo" type inter-continental ballistic guided missile item in, the more time hard false hand in India is at the person, a lot of core techniques and partses all science and technology personnel's self-made man that can depend on India.This among them various hardships for experiencing, Bu Du Lei.The card pulls Mu until at the moment still the feeling be subjected to with body.India is "very hot fire"-III type although the ballistic guided missile is by oneself already India to develop of awe trump card, can take as heavy as 1.5 nuclear warhead of tons, leap more than 3000 kilometers, be good enough to overaly Asian big parts of regions.But want the voice that wants to make open India in the whole world, only depend on ballistic guided missile of the distance in the "very hot fire" series' being still far far not enough.
Though"Apollo"-the artillery range of III type will arrive 20,000 kilometers, is also say, all break out ofs with hard all important strategic targets of nations in the world it artillery range scope.There is history in this kind of India the strongest carrier rocket diameter attain 3 Related articles:

