
beats by dre pro death of Wu life Tu

Luo of the sand just thinking talk, but be waved hand by Zhang Zhe to interrupt:"If in brief send a scapegoat, the high beautiful aspect can't promise, so, the scapegoat only has two kinds of people, the first is Ya Jia Er's direct descendant close relatives, the second, is a power and influence person inside Ya Jia Er, for example general you."
See a sand Luo is about to change countenance, Zhang Zhe again and lightly smiles:"General now connects a what I said deliberation for a while,beats by dre pro, you think that Ya Jia Er's castellan will send who crest offense?Being himself is still his baby's son, or high-position sand Luo's general, or wear, the daughter who has been already been closed?"
Sand Luo tightly stares at Zhang Zhe to suddenly realize, very long just heavily sigh 1:"The abacus of cloth thunder is quite good, words like this, I and the sea Rui pull all very dangerous, Ya Jia Er isn't a simpleton, his decision can't definitely beneficial at the outsider, although your parlance is a bit very not reasonable places and can not believe lightly, but you the putting of present situation clear Che is in front of me, I should thank you, now, said your request, I will as far as possible full zu you!"
Zhang Zhe exhaustedly swayed to sway body and beat ha ha say:"Thus, general needs and pulls the young lady's pass to the me and the sea Rui to together go, there are in fact also a words I doing not tell you, not only cloth thunder, I also really like that the sea Rui pulls!"
Listen to reckless cachinnation of Zhang Zhe, sand Luo for an instant if have Wu!

Text 153 chapter terrible water prison!
Renew time:2010-5-232:44:40 chapter word numbers:8204

The sand Luo's general is a man whom the observance promises, he promises Zhang Zhe and sea Rui to pull pass together, activity up also proved, from interrogate to come out in room, Zhang Zhe all over unspeakable easy, can affirm at 1:00, oneself can't have life again at present danger.
The sea Rui pulled to ever talk over the real strenght on the island with him, the purpose is easy, feared his brains to have fever of give offense to what somebody, particularly is a sand Luo thus of, held to have more than 20s the general for fighting a ship in the hand, similar to the land on the sea surface, is all weak at the mercy of the strong, the proper existed of place, sand Luo with lend those more than 20 war ships, the position in island no man could move, including the father whom the sea Rui pulls, Ya Jia Er's castellan, all don't dare to easily give offense to this person.
Ya Jia Er also tried to once take back soldier's right, helpless, can say to is helpless, sand Luo Be this person to take a soldier to contain square, the subordinate puts together to die to render service, much less his under charge much for the old department, was also here square before just to get along pirate head of group in the waters, so before the advantage for doing not control to absolutely excel, Ya Jia Er didn't dare to recklessly take back soldier's right.
Although is all person who there is greed, 2 people surface match to clap very much, isn't another, be dangerously equilibrium for that.
Zhang Zhe of so be relax, the reason is easy, the sand Luo's general will think a way to protect him, although this protection is also an exploitation, much more tactful than Ya Jia Er at least.
Drive six well-known scholar the soldier transfer under guard, place be jailed before arriving at, is still Ya Jia Er's private site here, only this time, sand Luo sent these six well-known scholar the soldier come to protect Zhang Zhe, the sea Rui pulls and road Class D person is be separately jailed, she of the prison building is opposite cleaner, the bed is also tidied up, changed a new bed sheet and sheet.
Make reference to bottom, Ya Jia Er pulls still some feelings to the sea Rui of, even if think that the sea Rui pulled to betray himself/herself, he still uses to bestly invite her, but doesn't know this kind of can insist well how long!
See Zhang Zhe be transfered under guard to come in, the sea Rui pulls to have no excessive mean, Qiao face cold frost, the air is cool to have no strange.
After the soldier whom etc. transfers under guard leaves, in prison remains the time of their 2 people, the sea Rui pulls to ask Zhang Zhe:"Why will you appear here?"
Zhang Zhe's attitude to her doesn't mind, tiny tiny a smile to say:"You at, so I came."
The sea Rui pulls to shake and heavily sits on the chuang and imitated a Buddha to be subjected to very a great blow, air Qi however:"You come wrong, I can not save you, even, I can not even save oneselfs!"
Zhang Zhe complies with the surrounding to sit to nearby, she claps her shoulder consolation way:"Have me at, you need not worry, I can say, at the time that I breathed, you accompanied me breath, be I stopped respiratory of time, you still could breathe!"
The sea Rui pulls a color slightly Wu, unwillingly say with smile:"These words sound very beautiful, can I not like, probably, you should say some other."
Zhang Zhe stretched to stretch and yawn, to once the chuang lie and heavily vomited tone to say:"Take a rest a short while, Ya Jia Er can't pass so ours, even if he doesn't begin to us and interrogate to can not help."
The sea Rui pulled Zheng Zheng, stunned of from the language way:"You are getting wronger, he has already been beginning to us, you can appear I am very happy here, very happy, can at the same time I again happy not get up, because of, you make very stupid decision."
"You mean come to does this accompany you?"Zhang Zhe didn't open eyes and still comfortablely lay over there.
"Certainly, you should not come here, because come here, mean that you have to bear inhumane molestation!"The sea Rui pulls light on smiling, some orotund hair bitterness.
Once Zhang Zhe's eyebrows jump, immediately open a pair of eyes, don't understand of see pull to the sea Rui.
The vision pulled with sea Rui to see, the sea Rui pulls face up start to be suffused with a to put on tide red:"Have you ever heard water prison?"
"On TV once heard, some history ancient workses had been already jotted down as well, how suddenly want to start to ask this?"Zhang Zhe Tou doesn't lift as well of say.
"Because you don't understand its terror!"The sea Rui pulls voice to feel chill and mixs up with a silk to shiver:"The groundwater prison of Ya Jia Er is to punish the most extreme measure for prisoner, it is all nightmares that gave offense to Ya Jia Er's person.It isn't only to is the molestation of commonness, also the place that torments person and the depletion person's wills most , any walk into the person there, having no 1 can at great length come back, not drive watching of water prison molestation to, basically is that they can not stand that kind of jing absolute being molestation from remnants but go to, in fact, can live down of, person is already that the will is usually different, the common run of people enters into there, not three day, already will accept can not stand and suicide, no one knows water has in prison how make people fear of thing, even the prison head doesn't know that there exactly have as well what, they know every go in of person, will grow crazy become mad, shout oneslef hoarse, until swallowed an end one breath, otherwise, is not likely to come to a stop."
"Is really so terrible?"Zhang Zhe means a doubt:"Jot down in the book, water prison usually just soaks a prisoner with icy cold and nipping sewage, the main molestation still keeps pointing the last, as for jing absolute being molestation, majority are an empty to, you say so terriblely, can't be exaggerate its phrase?"
"Exaggerative its phrase?"The sea Rui pulls to sneer at a , immediately after say:"If is true to say so in brief such as you, those prisoners can't definitely fear on the island, all of their majority were on the waters to once experience life and death of Wu life Tu, a little emptiness all accept can not stand of words?How dare greatly eat to greatly drink after killing perfect person again?"
"That you say, this because of why?"Zhang Zhe Rao has the lookinging at of fascination the sea Rui to pull, the smiling face more gathers together more near, almost stick at the sea Rui pull of Bo neck up.
Sea Rui's pulling don't obstruct, just appropriately of moving and moving body, then earnest way:"I ain't clear either, may be have what monster?"
Zhang Zhe declines to comment, the title says with smile:"Really there is monster in the world?"
"H'm, definitely is so!!"The sea Rui pulled to imitate a Buddha to confirm his/her own parlance, the Cu eyebrow explanation way:"Is an isolated island here, at the beginning we choose when here set up city, because the scenery here is beautiful, and have natural defense can with.The surroundings of isolated island, there is all natural formation in a lot of places of dark burnt, some burnt stone dog tooth interleaves form a hollow district, whenever as sea water is rising tide, the billow in the sea will follow the blind side of burnt stone to continuously hurtle to inherit these hollow districts, until the sea water steps back.But there is such a hollow district here, so just choose here Related articles:

