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Water fastens a method, today a see indeed as expected not and falsely.The war of today to bosom Ren the meaning is not- same sort, keep in mind Ren to after all go all out, please cloud brave protect a method to don't hide part of something, either.Be valued by the opponent is also our dignity place of aquatic animals in East China Sea!"
Slowly open eyes, cloud was brave to stretch a lazy waist light tone of way:"For canning vanquish you, I thought a lot of methods last night, so would be a bit exhausted now, this will never be to your not the respect is on the contrary 1 kind of respect to sublimate.I already take a rest good, can we start?After firing away do I still want to thoroughly take a break."Although the tone for talking is more lazy,the strong self-confidence is absolutely existent.Cloud sun, cloud can, the eastern clear Hui etc. person almost breaks into laughter to come, cloud is brave meeting all through the night for the sake of thinking deal with opponent but rest shortage?This sentence speaks will utterly ridiculous of, but this kind of situation absolutely can not dismantle his set, several personals can be bitter to endure to smile an idea.Because was exactly sent by the court in cloud to receive some person of same beliefs yesterday, didn't get a battleplane thus will of cloud breadth angrily and unevenly hum a , secretly curse, water cloud is brave, had better hurt in a great messly just good, only this oneself just has the opportunity to reveal artistic talent.
Because eye in only cloud is brave, keep in mind Ren on the contrary and don't take notice of not several individuals in the distance of different, nod a way:"That we start, you are host, guest with lord then, you make moves first."The countermarch half that keeps in mind Ren subconscious treads then silently moves one meter toward the horizontal flank of or so distance, because he knows cloud is brave to have a way method is to imperceptibly establish trap whirlpool in foot water of the opponent.
The cloud brave corner of mouth presents a lightly smile an idea, nod a way:"Since it is so I Don't mention it, I use of the weapon is a cent water E Mei sting, you don't want to despise it, although this thing is very unattractive,the power will never be small.The method machine that this is the my brother breeze soul cloud English to personally refine, power not at my protect a method gold sword under, the aquatic battle even has advantage."While speaking big hand lightly on flicking to divide water E Mei a sting to row a current of air, keep in mind Ren to immediately start to fly a to drain bead, speed quickly get astonishing.
The water power that he when transfers of the ignorant way, the bosom Ren is come all of a sudden by this of the mishap got a fright, hurried one turned over a body to withdraw a few surfaces backward to up leave what time light trace, it is thus clear that keep in mind fixing of Ren for also very high.See a cloud brave use of not was oneself to up study to protect method gold sword so for a long time last night, the bosom Ren in the mind has already started to be some nervous, and the way method that he use at the moment seemed also not is what Xuan traverses jot down.Hands a turn over two handle cold light the flickering cold iron bayonet appear in the middle of keeping in mind a Ren hand, two handle bayonets quickly touch together, a voice that clear and crisply touch shot spreads, bosom Ren loudly way:"These two handle the cold iron bayonet isn't a general bayonet, but the first-class treasure thing that Long Zun bestows to me, can slice a gold to break jade power very big, match with water to fasten a magic trick use to have a strange effect more, hope that you can be getting more careful."
Cloud is brave tiny to nod, smile a way:"Don't so many useless talks, I can continue to attackstone, those water demons are desperately really stupid, want to seek 12 to fix for quite good water demon activity to all don't go for a while on the land.Ha ha, have never thought to there is unexpectedly an opportunity beginning with the escort general of East China Sea today, the earthquake vogue sky gives my cloud a brave big gift.Come, as long as you can all moisten all over I even if is that you win."Cloud sun, cloud can, cloud dream did an action for despising at the same time, this guy really and too craftiness, is misleading a somebody else clear and takes cloud English to send to his Mang bead on his body, if he unqualified match pure of wanting and moistenning his clothes absolutely were too difficult.Unless you have already thoroughly inhibitted him and in addition connect cloud English all very difficult at aquatic cloud of the bead letting to wear Mang flow out dress Shan to exert wet.
"Good!Good boldness of vision, I like!"Keep in mind Ren to loudly shout bravo at the same time, two handle the cold iron bayonet have already quickly rowed, a jumped transparent water blade to once row a curve to go straight to cloud brave, in the water, the bosom Ren body form crash's a way wave flower seethes to rush at cloud brave.
Body so-soly and backward one Yang, water blade delivers a not hurt station over there over the brave milli- from his in front vapor trail and keeps in mind Ren to spare no effort to stir up power, the half body has already gone deep into a built-up billow in water to send out huge loudly rush at a station on the surface absolutely still of cloud is brave.Cloud is brave tiny tiny on smiling, double feet's imitating a Buddha is two boat in situation full of perilses general, regardless how big waves is huge he can the Anne safe steady station is over there.Keep in mind Ren and discover brave ratio of cloud by himself/herself imagine medium more difficult deal with, sees his body form with the wave but moves, the hands rapid transformation wears a method to print, divides water E Mei to stab to dance in the wind in the in front and seems to be matchless uncanny.
"Divide water rushing current!Impact wave!"The situation full of peril that keeps in mind Ren detection oneself basically can not bring in Shui-li to brave cloud, two handle the cold iron bayonet suddenly row water current, the hands unite as one then push out quickly and forward, the strong evil spirit quickly tees off and appear a few huge cracks on the surface rapid hurtled to come over to brave cloud.Cloud is brave to loudly shout bravo, the body form rises straight from the ground inclined inclinedly fall on moreover and simultaneously, the foot tramples a wave to spend a white to only follow a surface to dash forward to keep in mind Ren.
"Impact wave explodes!"Roar loud to"bomb" along with bosom Ren 1 however huge ring in, cloud is brave the place just standing appear a huge whirlpool, imitating the Buddha was an explosive to throw in water, covered with water pillar be full of a way the Hai person's water blade, but cloud is brave to by now open together translucent water knot boundary in the distance, way way weak of water blade drive he 11 dozens spread, still keep being dry on the body.That white simply being very small to go straight to keep in mind Ren at the time that the latter discovered it had already quickly arrived in the body, oneself avoids being seen already too late, keep in mind Ren hands to raise a cold iron bayonet to abruptly face up, "bomb" that white light quickly blasts open and keep in mind Ren be shaken to back a Zhang to open an outside, annoy blood to seethe inside the body, suffered must almost throw up blood.
"Qian blade rushing current!"Cloud brave one roars loud, the hands spread a way white light, the white only fell into to imitate a Buddha in water a to drill urgently can not treat in succession into the arrows fish of ocean of to kept in mind Ren to"visit" in the past, cloud was brave I but retreated 2, seemed and averted from to keep in mind Ren general.The latter has already once suffers a los, knew that the power all directions of this kind of white light hurtles of white light much extremely count, keep in mind Ren to hurtle quickly and upward to, suddenly drilled the surface spare no effort empty fly to, sole of foot of white light quickly hurtle, see will mutually bump into together,beats by dre cheap.
Divide water E Mei in the hand the sting suddenly flies to go straight to in the sky spare no effort to promote of bosom Ren, the cloud brave hands knot prints, the cent water E Mei sting imitates a Buddha to touch with spiritual similar in the sky turned a curved sting toward the bosom of Ren.The latter gets a shock, the cold iron bayonet protects vital part, cent water E Mei sting as if vivid sea east green, don't living an interest of launched aggression to him, along with cloud brave signal continuous transformation wear the directions of attack.Finally the Chen Song color changes, what he knows a cloud brave use is what things, because he also ever and personally witnessed this and their tallest extremely learned to resist swordsmanship of likeness, but the power once had it but all and of seven stars extremely learned and flew swordsmanship!
Oneself one resists swordsmanship to want self-discipline success to take several decadeses, while this cloud English create of fly swordsmanship but can let people use within several years from such as, seven stars descend seven pupils of cloud English enter door most late of however more than a year, canning use to fly swordsmanship of its individual none exception.But this cloud be soon brave to have never reared this skill before, looked to be a front just from cloud English there get.He uses now of fly swordsmanship power up probably unlike resist swordsmanship strong, but its making use of vivid degree has already compared its own door all pupils wanted to be vivid.
Stand at him nearby of the cloud sun know the reason of Chen Song facial expression pallor naturally, light tone way:"Chen Men Zhu not wants to feel surprised, this flies swordsmanship two younger brothers study also not is a day and two days, but at the beginning row little friend drive after accepting, we three brotherses implore four together younger brother cloud English hand over to ours.Calculated a to calculate time that we study be not short either, and four younger brothers once handed over to treat, these were seven extremely learning of the starses, we can study, but can not teach others and can not at will display, either under the general circumstance.Fly although the swordsmanship is vivid, but swordsmanship in the resisting of power far far rather expensive door, all of these are four younger brothers cloud English pass some effect that the special meanses attain, Related articles:

