
Artist Series man mumbling way

The young girl expects a cave, but he physical strength shortage, make moves greatly and slowly, wrong press a young girl of soft breasts.That round face young girl"oh" is 1, retreat two, the all over the face rises red, the right Zhang is outstanding, claps center of the chest toward the beam Xiao.The beam Xiao makes to recruit "noodles benefit three hairs", the left Zhang is inclined the power for flick, wanting to unload to open young girl Zhang, this recruits originally brilliant, but his forgetting dint inside he has been already lost, although the absolute being idea goes to, the physical strength doesn't help, not only can not unload to open young girl white to living a rare palm, anti- is driven straight by her, one Zhang shot is in the chest.Young girl one shot but medium, surprised that the idea is anti- to pour to lead more happy feeling, of one Leng, suddenly again fluster, the beam Xiao"cave in Tan" a hold tight, is a Human body to annoy one of the seas in the Tan, the beam Xiao cannot compares with to hum a voice, then namely the Tan is soft.
Round face young girl again Leng for a while, whisper a way:"It is strange."In a hurry start to carry on the back beam Xiao, drill into forest, stop a black pony in the wood.Beam Xiao again spirit again hasty, the one mouthful phlegm surges forward, in the heart a fan, faint.
Leading is a burst of, he wakes up, but feels heart in vexed bad, , viscera then crowded make one regiment.Open eyes one lo, but see oneself drive horizontal on the horseback, jump with that black Ma Zong .Beam Xiao body originally weak, cannot help but big Ou the Ou is especially.The round face young girl hears vomit a voice and lower the head one lo, surprised way:" Hey, I am sorry."Press the horse of Pei Zhu, hand beam Xiao just, the desire wants to embrace he, and then feel timid and extremely, have to press he the noodles stick horse's mane, the Lei horse slowly goes and comforts a way in:"Do not beat the tight, lead again for a while, then arrive a rabbit ear Gang."The beam Xiao fury psychological attack scolds a way:"Rabbit Gang!"The round face young girl is one Leng, strange way:"You recognize my mother?I since the childhood have never seen hers."On staring blankly, beam Xiao's heart way:"Is this wench to pretend ignorance with me, or really has no mama?"Scold a way again:"Do you have no mama,is your dad to living?"The young girl is another Zheng, upset way:"I also have no daddy.The sisters often say that I am what rock sews in leap out, so the head is a piece of rock, stupid and silly."
Beam Xiao although at difficult in, listen to this words, also cannot help but Chi ground break into laughter voice, once the fun lead, and then feel touching.He was alone and helpless, heard that this young girl had no a dad to have no Niang, greatly was fellow sufferers understand each other, said since childhood:"Bond maid, you put me, we front the matter is all cancelled."Round face young girl but shake head a way:"Do not become not become, Ling the sister make me track you and that miss, opportunity to say, hold tight you, alas, I also not want to grasp you, but host once gave an account, that is also the affair with no idea."The beam Xiao Nu way:"Are that several bottom sons with you?Hum, before changing to make, humed!"Round face young girl H'm a , way:"No matter how you say, anyway ……anyway you are captured by me."
The beam Xiao very anxious to cachinnation is 1, chat with the self-ridicule, again very anxious to weep aloud, cut up rough by form, hate tunnel:"Lao Tze BE'Long Kun's shoal drive shrimp drama, the tiger falls even sun drive dog deceit', bond maid, have Dan of release me, we come to compare again to row compare row."That young girl but shake head a way:"Do not go, I first, have no courage and others to fight, the host often say again:In power Mo Rao Ren.The thing of coming to hand must be optimistic about, otherwise a neglect, will absurdly throw to lose."The beam Xiao trick ends up in nothing, spirit way:"Break wind."That cheek a red, the way of Niu Ni:"You want ……want to put that?H'm, you put be, I ……my Wu wear a nose good."The beam Xiao Nu Cui way:"I say that your host breaks wind."Young girl complexion hair white, hasty way:"You scold me have no relation, scolded host, can mess go to a pole."
Beam Xiao way:"What fantastic?I bent on having scold him."That young girl eyebrow deeply difficult color, the Cu eyebrow gives Sai and lead a long time, suddenly on stretching hand, ordered the beam Xiao"Tu cave in the sky", the beam Xiao is indiscriminately scolding, thus, however dumb voice, listens to a that young girl mumbling way:"I wanted to think, you still didn't talk well, in case be heard by the host, disadvantageous to you."Beam Xiao angry pole, ponder a way:"This girl's son doesn't calculate too bad, but don't know who her that host is?Why did you grasp me?"He although full stomach loophole, suffer from dumb cave be sealed, can not make a voice.
The young girl urged a horse to go one distance and arrived a mountain ridge, there are two slices of long form megaliths on the hillside, Xuan Jun the Qiao is thin, just like a rightness of rabbits ears.The round face young girl sees mountain ridge a top no man, mumbling way:" Ling the sister make me wait her in the rabbit ear gang, how haven't the ground come yet?"She dismounted and rode on beam Xiao to climb mountain, on the left side of rabbit ear stone the bottom sit properly and take out one Ge bag clear water, ask the beam Xiao the way:"Do you want to drink?Want to drink and then wink."Beam Xiao early thirst pole, then blinked to wink.The young girl stretches hand will he head the neck start to give and drank half bag for him, again hold from drink, who know just drank an one mouthful, suddenly thoughted of that the beam Xiao just once drank, feel ashamed stole lo of his one eye, the round face was red to rush toward, unique a big apple.
The young girl drinks water, thoroughly bored, but again not ability and beam Xiao talk and only lower the head, the hands crumple to make dress Cape.The beam Xiao is also happy quiet, take advantage of an opportunity whole eyes luck, the desire strategic area opens acupuncture points, can the interest in the pubic region weak of pole, north bound not arrive 1 inch, then namely send back, beam Xiao connect try several times, all like this have no achievement, take seriously in the heart upset to pole.
Suddenly listen to mountain ridge not and in a short while the bottom spread a burst of laughter of Luo Luo, pure soft sweet and charming.The beam Xiao opens eyes lo to go to, sees Gang the bottom walk to a beautiful looks woman and also wear green Shan on the body, hip the plentiful waist is thin, start to walk road come like Zhan flower twig, although cannot comparing with Liu Ying Ying is beautiful, seductive place, still win it, the beam Xiao cannot helps but seeing more her two eyes.But listen to a round face young girl happy way:" Ling sister, you can come!"
The Ling Be last to get mountain ridge, see beam Xiao, the eyes contain Ya color and subsequently say with smile:" Snow, you come very early!"The round face young girl nods a way:" Ling sister, I listen to your words and try very hard to to grasp that oriole oriole and make track for make track for, although didn't grasp her,grasped her companion." The Ling saw beam Xiao is one eye and brushed past a silk to envy a color in the eyes, the Xi laughed merrily a way:" Snow, this is great the achievement is a , the host know and necessarily and consumedly appreciate you."
Snow H'm a , the tunnel of Shan Shan:"Appreciate not to appreciate to pour a nothing important, the host don't anger me to scold me, snow beg absolute being to worship Buddha." Ling Jian Kuai's rock Be leisurely and carefree to sit down, say with smile:"You had a great achievement, the host were painful you too late,Artist Series, which will anger you,Beats by Dre Just Beats?Is alas, snow, you are really a silly person to have silly blessing, come out for the first time, signed so big achievement.At present, I and ice of the situation be all covered by you past!"
Snow strange way:"BE?Ling sister, is this achievement really big?" The jealousy in Ling Xing Yan is thicker, inside but light tunnel:"Yes.I listen to host say, this boy is Liu Ying Ying's lover, her love want to die.With there is this boy in the hand, the host want she how, she how then, definitely account don't dare to defy.But that the oriole oriole Jiao Kuai already very, the host also hate her three cent, from Duo in the her hand person,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, talk what easy?Is alas, really don't expect, unexpectedly drive you the blind cat bump to die a mouse, by luck successful."
Snow Zheng Zheng lo the beam Xiao lower the head a way in a short while:"Luckily Ling sister, if you don't allow me to put together to die to chase, I also definitely account could not catch a person." Ling Yu Jia have muscular spasms several times, strong say with smile:"You know it's then good, but this words son can not say to the host." Snow strange way:"Why not ability?The host knew that will also heavily appreciate yours." On sinking, Ling Qiao Lian's suddenly harsh voice way:"Stupid wench, teaching you doesn't say, you don't say, if daring to blather was a , I mowed your tongue." Snow don't defend her to suddenly deliver angered, frighten maintain a discreet silence, lower the head language not.The beam Xiao looks on coldly and figure out among them peculiar, think necessarily that"host" life 2 people track oriole oriole and oneself, result this the Ling get cold feet and set on snow track, oneself but another place loiter about.Thought at first this snow was silly, the Yao made track for to throw and even if caught up, also was to pay with the life, who want that unexpectedly signing is great achievement.Ling Nong Qiao didn't get, anti- pour to help others, originally already very not quick, again afraid snow speak oneself lazy of matter, lead to a big disaster, temporarily square inch greatly disorderly, naturally start to wear angered.
The Ling once scolded, the powder cheek rose red, the soft breasts rises and falls not certain, but turns an eye, the but again says with smile:" Snow, I am sorry, the sister a little bit feels vexed and just becomes angry, you don't put in the mind!" Snow nod a way:"I am originally stupid, the sister didn't scold wrong." Ling Luo Luo say with smile:"I know Related articles:

