
Artist Series hrough to put arrows

Put arrows Ling."
"Put arrows Ling?They rush through go there dry?"
"Because go too much two Kous at put arrows Ling first-class wait to accept a soul star of the arrival of gentleman."
"!?Where is that accepting a soul star gentleman now?"
"I call to turn to find out clear.Accept a soul star gentleman an is more than ten persons, masquerade into businessman, ride a quick horse, just in the easy state on the way to the Lai source mountain city."
The small fairy intentionally asks:"Does the small brothers easy to get along with son rush through to put arrows Ling, is to isn't the smell that he has already smelt cuckoo, follow cuckoo but go to and put arrows Ling?"
"This, I call to turn to know not."
"That they don't follow to accept a soul star gentleman and rush through to put arrows Ling stem?"
"I call to turn an estimate, mysterious cuckoo, very likely have been already gone and put arrows Ling.So they rush through first there, secretly stare at cuckoo."
"If the cuckoo doesn't put arrows Ling, but at halfway up intercept to accept a soul star gentleman, doesn't the that small brothers easy to get along with son make a futile trip?"
A burst of breeze Zheng Zheng:"Can't so Qiao?"
"How can't?"
"I call to turn and the small monster is from the city teacher always secretly follow they arrive northern mountain area of easy state Lai water county, didn't smell the smell of cuckoo, later on again secretly followed a purple Jing pass, just make the small monster protect settle the mansion seek you.This cuckoo is always not like this clever, take advantage o once the small monster walk and humiliate me to call to turn a nose ineffective, intercept to accept a soul star a gentleman?"
Small fairy a smile:"Only wish this mysterious cuckoo, have been already gone and put arrows Ling good."
"Big wench, do you still have to what rubbish want to ask me to call to turn?"
"Have again how?Have no again how?"
"Have no, that we rush through to put arrows Ling."
"Uncle Feng, I still need to ask a matter."
"What matter?"
"Hear to accept a soul star the gentleman does whole body the achillean gold just covered an effort."
"The big wench isn't to hear, but he really does this effort."
"How does that break his this effort?"
"Had better find out the place that he covers a door to start."
"Uncle Feng, do you know not to know where his cover door is?"
"Big wench, you not is want not to wait cuckoo to appear and then killed this?"
The small fairy says with smile:"I am to have this plan."
"You if polish off he, does that cuckoo also appear?Don't our past bitter hard bitternesses waste?"
"Uncle Feng, are you really to don't know, still don't want to tell me?"
"Who say that I call to turn to know not?"
Bookworm beside on listenning to, can not help extremely pleased, but don't dare to show again, a pair of eyes keep hoping small fairy, hope that the small fairy can make a burst of breeze speak.Small fairy how again will can't idea?The small fairy says to a burst of breeze:"Uncle Feng, you since know, that says."
"Do not go!I call turned to say out, you would polish off this."
"Uncle Feng, you are to don't say, I also have way to polish off he."
"What way did you have?"
"I use invisible sword and be like to kill a chicken, on his neck on rowing, I didn't believe his copper wall sheet iron gold to just cover and did in the neck, can block my invisible sword."
"Big wench, his copper wall sheet iron, really did neck, the knife chopped down not to go into, the sword sting doesn't enter, at most you is some flesh that can row to harm him, can not kill him."
Bookworm at one side the Leng write to say:"That he didn't become myth in monkey said?"
A burst of breeze says:"About."
The small fairy says:"About?Uncle Feng, you be not intentionally at scare me?"
"Big wench, do you really need to polish off him and wait cuckoo to appear?"
"Uncle Feng, in fact, I want to polish off him, already in the ocean Tuo in last time below the hills, make him not escape.I am just in case, worry the easy to get along with son of small brothers met with he, encounter his poisonous hand."
"Big wench, you are to know his place in the cover door, perhaps don't easily can kill him as well."
"Because his cover door, do is not and greatly behaving an advertent place, is under the back of the head hull of jade Zhen cave up."
"What!?At jade Zhen cave?"
A burst of breeze a clap head:"Is in a mess!Did I call turn how to speak his cover door?"
Small fairy a smile:"Jade Zhen cave, really don't easily behave an attention, don't easily behave one shot as well but medium.Wu Lin's crosses swords, notices opponent other vital part acupuncture pointses, what Tan in, annoy sea, 100 meeting etc. acupuncture pointses, how will notice jade Zhen cave ha!Is a person's acupuncture points, can't order, either his jade Zhen cave."
"Big wench, you can't polish off him?"
"Uncle Feng, you trust.I also want to find out that mysterious cuckoo earlierly!"
"Thus, I am old to call to turn trust."
"Uncle Feng, the color of the sky is getting more late, let's walk faster."
A burst of breeze's tooking a look a bookworm lord servant is 2 people, says:"You take them two, how walk faster.Originally I called to turn tonight to rush through to put arrows Ling, they walked move?"
The bookworm says:"Breeze big Xia, that you walk faster, need not took care of me.In this area nearby, it's enough that I seek a family to live down, don't mistake your important event."
The small fairy says:"Is big wild medium in this deep mountain, stay you, I ain't rest assured."
A burst of breeze says:"At wolf tooth noodles not far place in Shandong, there is a small town, call what northwest mountain town.Big wench, you protect their lord servant 2 people, live down over there.I call to turn a person to rush through to put arrows Ling all through the night and first and have what matter, I make the small monster be rushed through to tell you good."
The small fairy says:"This is also good."
A burst of breeze shakes to say:"I call to turn really not understand, you take them lord servant 2 people come to do what here."
The small fairy says:"Uncle Feng, if I don't take them, don't you worry this bookworm to take a stroll indiscriminately everywhere?"
A burst of breeze Zheng Zheng:"He is everywhere indiscriminately take a stroll again how?"
"That will break down us to track the important event of cuckoo."
"To the rightness!The small monster makes track for around and always catches up with his body up.Big wench, how don't you send a person to send him to return to old house?"
"He always visit famous mountains and great rivers, we always can not be like to transfer under guard a prisoner, transfer under guard him to return to?Also not ability's closing him is in a place?"
"To, we are to can not do like this,Artist Series."
"Uncle Feng, this is that I take the reason that he comes.Is that I don't take him, perhaps he will also run this to take to walk, that will even break down our important event."
"What did he run this to take stem?Go mountain and have no the ground of famous scenery famous spot too much,Beats Solo HD."
"Very not play, I also not know.Uncle Feng,Beats Detox, you ask Mo childe to see."
"Feed!Bookworm, this goes mountain to have too much what play so much, good-looking place?"
The bookworm says:"Breeze big Xia, go mountain too much well play a good-looking place Be getting more.Don't say first too the ground of scenery famous spot of going both sides foothill in the west of Shandong, be go mountain too much ……"
"Is slow!Is slow!Go both sides foothill in the west of Shandong to have too much what famous spot scenery?"
"Breeze big Xia, count, be really several extremely number, such as ring hall mountain stone cave, ring imperial palace, Cang rock mountain natural scenery and well Xing thousand Buddha rocks, wild three ascents, ten Dus, Dragon gate brook, above mountain cloud water hole, the stone flower hole, all flowers mountain, work properly mountain, and wonderful Feng mountain...etc., is an at present wolf tooth mountain, is also one of the tourist spot that goes mountain too much."
"Bookworm, didn't you get mistake?You how all flowers mountain, work properly mountain, wonderful Feng mountain to also go in on the whole?Isn't that the scenery famous spot of west mountain?"
"Breeze big Xia, in fact west the mountain is also a mountain peak that belongs to go side foothill in Shandong too much."
"Really!?I how call to turn have never listenned to person to once say?"
"Because breeze big Xia ambition's among the living goes Xia Related articles:

